Monday, January 5, 2015

From Vegetarian to Clean Meat Eater

Well... I have no idea what I'm doing. I just got back from the grocery store and I purchased frozen chicken breasts for the first time in about 6 years. After I got them in the car I realized that I don't even know how to thaw and cook a chicken breast. This should be interesting.

I'm currently feeling quite overwhelmed by this whole thing. I have no idea if this is going to be a good change for me or not but I'm going to try it out and see. Right now my plan is to cook all of this food at some point today, package it, eat some of it (already accomplished!) and save the rest for later in the week.

I'm also feeling overwhelmed by how many opportunities this opens to me now. Do I eat all meat again? Am I no longer a vegetarian? Do I order meat when I go out to a restaurant now? I've been pondering all of these questions for months as I slowly made this decision. In reality this isn't that much of a jump for me. I have been eating fish the entire time I was a "vegetarian" and I was very selective about what type of fish I ate, keeping sustainability in mind. For now, I'm only adding chicken to the list of approved foods. To minimize my anxiety around this situation (haha) I have come up with some guide lines:

  1. Eat whole (non-processed) foods
  2. Eat local
  3. Eat with the seasons
  4. Eat organic
  5. Eat a balanced diet
I whole-heartedly intend to "break" all of these rules at some point, and that is ok with me. I'm taking things very slowly for now and I am doing my best to not have expectations, and to not label this experience. I am making a life style adjustment right now in the interest of my health and general well being. 

My biggest concern right now is actually what Chris is going to eat. He is going to remain vegetarian, which I completely and totally support. My plan with that right now is to prepare lots of veggies and save them for us both to eat as sides throughout the week. Instead of having a piece of chicken or fish with his, Chris will have something like rice and beans, or soup, or pasta.

We will see what the rest of today holds.

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